dune patio with fire pit
dune patio with dining table at sunset
dune garden

DESIGN PHASE: landscape concept plan

furnishings plan

DESIGN PHASE: furnishings plan

Cape Cod bay

When the owners had the opportunity to acquire the adjoining parcel, they turned to Maffei Landscape Design to explore the possibilities of how the two lots could work together. They ultimately decided to raze the neighboring dwelling and use the spatial windfall to create outdoor living space and restore the native dune habitat. Two small patios were created of water permeable stone for enjoying sunsets around a firepit and a dining space nestled among a pine grove. Rugged granite stairs connect the dune gardens with the beachside home where another patio for grilling and an outdoor shower and storage structure are being built. Our design team coordinated efforts with a local consultant to achieve approval from the conservation district, hinging on a planting palette that will thrive in the harsh coastal climate.

The landscape design was facilitated and refined using 3D modeling to study existing conditions, elevation changes and sight lines to assure privacy from the busy beach parking lot while preserving views from the garden.

dune patio with sea kayak storage
dune garden with granite fence posts at sunset
3D rendering of privacy screen

DESIGN PHASE: 3D rendering, studying viewsheds

dwelling being demolished

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: adjoining lot demolition

patios under construction

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: view from the house to the new landscape

granite stairs

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: dining patio and stairs

grill patio and outdoor showers

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: grill patio and showers